This article is about some facts that you probably have not heard about, but they are interesting in the facts and housing data I never thought of. The article comes from by Melissa Rolland. Let's dive into some interesting facts.
" We hear a lot about foreclosure statistics and how many homes are "under-water" (meaning, that the owner owes more on the house than it is would sell for in the marketplace today). Did you know that almost 30 percent of Americans own their home "free and clear," without a mortgage? That's approximately 21 million households!"
That is a lot of homes and I think also that most people have equity in their homes and they are not underwater. Today's home owners have less debt than before.
Did not know that.......interesting fact I think?
That is surprising and shocking and happy that we have turned this statistic around. I think marriages would be a better asset.
I don't know if we would want to do that in the US, but I like red doors.
I am sure the banks are glad we now have computers. Pretty Boy did forget about the investors that lost their money.
Be clean America buy the right doorknobs. I did not know that that though and will be checking out my knobs for sure,
Need all the facts on buying or selling a home. Let's get coffee to chat about it.....I'm
Brett 216-703-5740 EXP Realty Ohio and 602-363-6551 EXP Realty Arizona
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