Getting great deals on a property is one thing, but you need to know the cost involved before you buy. When you are buying a property as is and no inspections you need to have a Realtor/Contractor that can get you an approximate cost on the repairs.
There are many issues that can arise in any real estate transaction and having a team that knows had to steer you through it all is crucial to the success of the property.
We have done 100's of homes and each one is a bit different than the next. The key is the HVAC, Electrical, Plumbing, Foundation and Roof for major cost. When I look at homes I always have that in mind. For example I was looking at a home this weekend and the garage roof needed replaced. What does that cost?
Knowing the neighborhoods and areas is very important. We just leased a home in a very nice area for $1350 a month. We had and estimate on repairs that was needed and the client also needed to know what properties where selling for in the area. That is a package deal. This client had all the information before he purchased the home. They are happy income property owners today.
There is a cost to everything and investors need to know those cost. We are currently rehabbing a home in Lakewood that the investor needed to know what needed done and the cost. They hired a contractor that did not understand that. We came in and are getting the home finished and will also sell it. The client knows the cost and the time involved in this project. Also what their numbers will look like when they sell that homes.
Skills are only acquired by doing homes and we have done 100's. Call me 216-703-5740 EXP Realty for your FREE consultation. We also are in Phoenix Az 602-363-6551 EXP Realty
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