What I Learned Working With Millionaire

Working with high net worth individuals and high net worth clients I have learned that there really is little difference in strategy with investors that make a lot of money. Most investors look at a 2-5 year run and really stick to their strengths and knowledge base.

Purchasing real estate in great areas is one thing. The high net worth investors work with professionals that can get them their desired results. In my case they purchase A and B residential real estate homes that nets great income while their equity positions continue to increase. 

They also look at the rest of the property details that are needed to have success. Maintenance, property management, and having an agent that can assist in when to sell the property and when to hold. 

We recently had a client that wanted to sell their property and make a profit and so that is what we did. The key is they had a choice.

Real Estate is one of the last resorts and best ways for people to create wealth with. The key to getting to the wealth part is hiring professionals that understand the local area and how to create profit with the real estate. 

If your wanting solid investment real estate in the Cleveland Metro area 

call me (Brett) 216-703-5740 Fathom Realty...I have literally done 100's and 100's of homes!

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