Marketing makes all the difference in getting the top rents in the area. Real Estate is an asset that needs to produce the maximum net profit it can.
More times than not everyone one wants the easiest way to lease a property is to charge below market rents. That is why every rental property has to be marketed to get the top rents.
Most Brokerages do not teach how to market rental properties. I live, eat, and breathe it! It's one of the most important parts of creating maximum income.
Watch this video on a $1550 a month property in Mayfield Heights Ohio
"Leased $1550 a Month 12 Days Mayfield Height Rental is a rare event.
This property is gorgeous inside and out. 3 bed 1 Bath complete with central air and 2 car garage. Want a nice place to call home? "
Call me (Brett) 216-703-5740 Fathom Realty or Whatsapp Me
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