Emotional Real ESTATE Investors pay dearly


Knowing whether a property is good or bad? Income is key and you have to look at that. I like to see at least $400 a month net if you have a mortgage.

If you pay cash I like to see $900+ a month after Taxes, Insurance and Property Management. This formula has allowed 99.5% of our clients to make good money in their rental income.
We also buy real estate that creates great equity. That means a lot to buying income real estate. To me homes are the best way to create wealth in Income/Investment real estate. There are simply more people that purchase homes than any other real estate period.

So I income most properties 3 years and sale if I need to. I have options because I purchased the property correctly.

Need Income/Investment Real Estate? Call me (216-703-5740) Fathom Realty or WhatsApp me

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