Tenant Destroying Property: How to Handle It

You hear about tenants tearing up properties and creating a lot of cost for landlords.

Just last week I was at breakfast with some friends and one of them is looking at getting a rental going through his mother. He told me that he had chatted with a family member and they had explained that tenants just tear up real estate!

I ask him how many rentals that his family members have to make  that kind of statement? He said they had never had a rental. That was shocking that someone would have influence on a decision without ever even owning a rental property.

Good news I have and I have helped clients for many years with 100's and 100's of rentals. This video is just another example of what our clients' homes look like after 2 years of leasing  the property.

I manage my clients properties all through the process of their income/investment real estate.

Watch the video and call me (Brett) 216-703-5740 Fathom Realty or WhatsApp me at the same number.

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