Bathroom Red Flags That Could Spell Disaster


There's a lot to think about when evaluating a potential new home. From school districts and neighborhood amenities to closet space and flooring, you want to make sure everything is as perfect as possible. When touring a home, it's easy to gloss over the bathrooms; after all, they're pretty much all the same, right?

Unfortunately, this isn't the case! Noticing important red flags in the bathroom can help you avoid major issues down the line. Here are a few things to watch out for.

1. Funny Smells

A funky odor in the bathroom is always a red flag. When viewing a home, also watch out for a strong smell of air freshener in the bathroom. This could be an attempt to hide a problem with the septic system, a plumbing issue, or mold.

Damp smells could also be a sign that there's water buildup somewhere below the surface. This isn't something you want to discover after you've purchased a home.

2. Strange Location

Most parts of a bathroom are fairly easy to update. However, if the bathroom itself is in a strange location, your options will be limited. If the bathroom is right off the kitchen or living room, it could make for some awkward interactions.

When considering a home purchase, you'll also want to see whether there's a bathroom on each level of the home and verify how many bedrooms share a single bathroom.

3. Signs of Water Damage

If you see stains or dirt around the base of the toilet or the floor nearby, this is a sign of past water damage. You'll also want to look under the sink to see if there are any water stains or soft or rotted wood.

Even if past water damage has been fixed, there could be lingering issues or a deeper problem that may reoccur.

4. Lack of Ventilation 

If your bathroom doesn't have an exhaust fan or a window, you'll end up dealing with humidity problems. This can lead to mildew and mold. Some bathrooms don't have a fan or window but do have skylights. However, this can sometimes do more harm than good since they're notorious for leaking.

5. Flooring Issues 

There are many potential red flags you can find by examining the bathroom floor. Damaged grouting, separation, or cracks in the tile could be an indication of past plumbing issues or a problem with pests.

Also, watch out for areas with fresh grouting that don't match the rest of the floor. If you see this, you'll want to find out what's different about that area and whether there were past issues that were repaired. 

6. Resurfaced Bathtubs 

The bathtub might look new, but upon closer inspection, you may find that it's actually an old tub that has been reglazed. The problem with this is that it will often scratch or peel, creating an unsightly look that you'll have to fix fairly quickly after you move in.

To check for reglazing, look closely at the finish, watching out for sags or bubbling. 

7. Low Water Pressure 

Not only is low water pressure in your bathroom uncomfortable and inconvenient, but it could also be a sign that you have corroded pipes or other serious plumbing problems. To check for this, run the water in the bathroom sink and check the flow. While the water is running, flush the toilet to see if the flow drops off.

It's also a good idea to go to the bathroom furthest away from the water heater and see how long it takes before the water gets hot. If it's unreasonably long, this could be another potential problem.

Don't Be Afraid to Ask Questions 

These bathroom red flags might not necessarily be a dealbreaker, but they definitely warrant a second look. If you notice anything that could indicate a potential problem, don't be afraid to point it out and ask questions. This could save you from major issues down the line.

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