Cleveland Metro Premium Discount Listing Service

Getting a property sold for top dollar is better when you have a seasoned agent that has sold a lot of real estate. My resume screams seasoned agent selling 100's and 100's of properties in my career. 

A big part of selling is knowing how to market real estate. You need to attract potential buyers that want to live in your neighborhood. As a Realtor I have put another layer on that with my social media and internet presence. 

Having had a marketing company since 2009 and the evolution in the changing ways that need to be understood in selling real estate makes me understand what is needed to sell almost any home. 

Price, Location and just mostly common since it attracts buyers to  real estate. For example, what amenities are around the real estate you are trying to sell?  Very IMPORTANT

You also need to know how to look at financing. There could be exact price deals but which one is the better and most likely to close real estate. 

There are many other details that need to be addressed during the sale of any property. I have dealt with pretty much all of it. 

Need to get SOLD and save commissions and still get the best price for your real estate? 

Call me (Brett) 216-703-5740 Key Realty 

If you are an international seller I do a lot of that please WhatsApp me @ the same number. 

Better Services creates exceptional results 

100% Full-Service - Discount on Price, Not Service

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