Creating Income from Real Estate isn't as easy as?

There are a lot of real estate courses that charge $10,000 plus to learn real estate investing. Some things are good and some things are not really needed.

I personally never took a course I learned by buying real estate and doing it. Since 1985 I have focused on the do's and don'ts in investment real estate.

No course will teach you all the ins and outs and the details needed to be successful in real estate.

That is why I created a system for investors in Cleveland Metro to purchase income/investment real estate.

1. We handle all the details and issues that may arise. Let's look at a few and see if your course covers it.

2. What do you do if a waterline breaks on Christmas Eve and you don't want to pay a fortune in sending out a plumber?

3. Another one is if a neighbor calls and has issues with your tenant?

4. If a warranty issue arises on your property and the warranty does not want to cover it

5. One more and there are many. What if your construction crew leaves your property and does not finish the work? or worse starts finding extra things that need to be addressed that increases the rehab by a lot?

These are just a few items I have to deal with and know how to handle them.

Property management is another very hard part of income real estate. That is why I am picky where I buy real estate. Better real estate is easier to manage and makes investors more money.

Don't believe me? Go to where I add new results on my real estate and my clients almost daily.

Being successful in real estate is not understanding a place you have never done real estate. Being successful is hiring a professional that has done 1200+ investment properties.

Get Success Call me (Brett) 216-703-5740 Key Realty and Key Realty Property Management

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