Flooring save money in Income Real Estate 3843 Brookside Update

The flooring should never be carpet why? It wears out in 2-4 years and you have that expense to look forward to. Think about all the stains and issues with carpet.

What we do is take care of the flooring issue upfront for about 8 years or better. If the property does not have wood floors we add Luxury Vinyl floors. They look better and can handle about every stain that is spilled on them.  This keeps the property nice for years and takes care of a very expensive part of rentals and it takes away from the income a lot.  When a tenant moves out of a home we manage it is usually very minimal expense to get it ready to lease again.  Need Smart Property Management and Income Real Estate?  Call me (Brett) 216-703-5740 Key Realty and Property Management or WhatsApp me at the same number.

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