Steady Cash Flow has to have Great Property Management

Having a steady cash flow on Real-Estate as an investor needs to have a couple things to ensure that each property has a better chance of steady cash flow.

The first thing is the location, of course, and how the properties are managed through the process of rehabbing and leasing.

After 1200+ homes, I’ve learned that we have to get good real estate in order to get them leased to quality tenants and give our clients steady cash flow. Why is that?

Generally good steady cash flow property is in appreciating areas that people want to live in and see their future in that area. That means there needs to be amenities that attract tenants for example, restaurants, grocery stores, shopping you get it.

During the life of the property, you also have to have good property management that understands what is needed to continue getting the rent and keeping the tenant. With our company we have a 24 to 28 month average for tenants. Why is that?

Our Property management works hard to ensure that we get the tenant upfront and when they do have a hiccup or an issue, we get in contact with them about what is going on. Keeping the rent coming in.

Most of the time we can get stuff worked out and the rent keeps pouring in for our client.

Most Tenants keep our real estate nice and a lot less rehab when they move out. 

This takes a lot of work, effort and experience. That's what we have. 24 years being a realtor and being a Investor since 1985 I understand Properties better than most people. We have a 99.5% Success Rate on making money for our clients. 

What kind of people are on your team when you’re investing your hard earned money?

Call me, 216-703-5740 Key Realty and Property Management 

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