About Brett


Being a Realtor since 2000 I never wanted to knock on doors or cold call. If that is what you like then that is ok. I chose to learn how to create my real estate business another way that I was both comfortable about and create residual income.

In 2000 I decided to learn how to market the old fashion way......just do it. Postcards were my first way to create business. remember there was no internet then.

I sent out 200 postcards a week and got a call off one. The client wanted to sell their lot so I listed the lot and did not fill my paperwork out correctly. When the lot was sold I received nothing in commissions. 

I never said anything to the seller about not receiving a commission on the lot sale. That same client called me and wanted me to sell their home a few weeks later.  This time I did the paperwork correctly! Sold the home and made a commission.

During this time I was on my second flip and decided to run a classified ad  for private money. I got a call from a Canadian that approved me and I was off to the races. I started Flipping real estate

The client who had given me the lot and home to sell called on a new home that they wanted to purchase in Phoenix. I ended up purchasing that home and living there, The home was sold later and the profit was in the 6 figures.

That little postcard I made and my flips I started by getting private money were all done by advertisements I created myself. No cold calling, no door knocking. I quickly understood that creating ads works! 

Since then I have done 1200+ homes and created fresh new ways to create even more commissions with my services.

Working for many brokerages I have been a 3 time Icon Agent with EXP Realty, #1 in transactions in 2019, #1 agent in Ohio for Fathom Realty 2022. #5 in transactions with Fathom Realty in Ohio in 2022. I have been a top agent for Century 21 and Howard Hanna.

I tell you that to say my system can create more commission for your business in ways no other brokerage, coach teaches.

Need more commissions and creating residual income every month? I do it and I can show you how to create massive unlimited commissions. 

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